Rehoboth Columbia United Methodist Church

6911 Two Notch Rd Columbia SC 29223 United States
South Carolina, Columbia, 29223
(803) 788-2220

Vacation Bible School

Reaching Out in Mission

We invite our community to join us as we dive deep into the word of God for a week of fun and fellowship together.

Thankful Thursday

Fun for All

Fellowship Meals served January - May and September - December

DJJ Prison Ministry

Reaching Out in Mission

Sponsored by United Methodist Men. Participants in this ministry must have special access granted by the Department of Corrections. Participants mentor young men each week. For more information please contact the United Methodist Men.

Rehoboth Food Pantry


Matthew 25:35 says "...for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me...". We serve those in need of assistance in our community through our Food Pantry Ministry.

Produce Giveaway


Once a month free produce is given away to those in our community. We not only want to help those in need, but also give them healthy options that are readily available.

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