Mauston United Methodist Church

420 Suszycki Mauston WI 53948 United States
Wisconsin, Mauston, 53948
(608) 847-5964

Prayer Shawl MInistry

Health and Wholeness

We have a group that makes prayer shawls and lap robes to give out to those who are hospitalized, new babies, and for those who are in need of a little extra comfort.

Men's & Women's Bible Study

Spiritual Life

Seperate classes for men & women on Stringfellow's Bible Study ~ "Great Truths of the Bible"

Mission Trips

Reaching Out in Mission

We have sent volunteers to Mississippi for hurricane rebuilding 8 times. We have worked with VIM to send members to Africa, Puerto Rico, Georgia, New Mexico, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and in 2010 we have 4 members going to serve in Costa Rico.

Church Camp Out

Fun for All

One weekend a year we turn our church grounds into a campground, with tents on the lawn and campers in the parking lot. We have camp fires, pie eating contests, games, crafts,a nd a huge slip & slide set up down the hill.

Food Pantry Volunteers


OUr members are on the board and very involved in this community ministry.


Reaching Out in Mission

We hold a yearly VBS. Last year we held an all day VBS that featured Bible Stories that got kids 'Hooked On Jesus' with an afternoon at the park and boat rides..

Men's Bible Study

Spiritual Life

The study is on "Great Truths of the Bible" by Alan B. Stringfellow

WOW (Worship On Wednesday)


An evening meal follows service with classes for all ages after dinner at 7:00pm

Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts and 4-H Clubs

Reaching Out in Mission

We open our doors to childrena and youth organizations.

Hands Of God Ministry

Reaching Out in Mission

This ministry is for our local community, wherever there is a need we try to fill it.

Adult Fellowship

Fun for All

THis group gets together every other month for a pot luck meal and fellowship

Meals On Wheels


Our church serves on this communityy ministry two months each year.

Local Volunteers

Reaching Out in Mission

Our church members are very active in the community through volunteering at the local Food Pantry, Thrift Shops, Nursing Homes, School Readers program, delivering Meals on Wheels, and Adopt-A-Hwy.

Church Softball League

Fun for All

Our church participates in the Summer Sunday evening Softball games

Music Ministry Team

Music, Arts and Worship

Crafter's Fellowship

Fun for All

The crafters meet once a month for fellowship, lunch and to work on their unfinished craft proejcts

Children's programming

Fun for All

We have activity days for pre-school thru 5th grade at various times throughout the year

Prayer Net

Spiritual Life

This is a prayerful pot luck lunch where we meet together to pray for the needs of our church, our church family and the community

Pastor visits

Health and Wholeness

The pastor makes frequent hospital & homebound visits to those who request them.

Worship Service


Familiy Activities

Fun for All

We have several events throughout the year for families to gather for Christian fellowship, such as the July Fourth Fireworks Celebration, Church Camp Out, Couples Retreat, Movie Nights, etc.

LIfeLine Screenings

Health and Wholeness

We host the community screenings once a year

Sunday School


Classes available for Pre-school through adult

Youth Group

Fun for All

We have a very large and active Sr. & Jr. High Youth Ministries program


Music, Arts and Worship

Our greeters will give you a warm welcome as you come into our doors

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