Markesan United Methodist Church

74 East Catherine Street Markesan WI 53946 United States
Wisconsin, Manchester, 53946
(920) 398-3254

Tape & Video Ministry

Fun for All

Provide cassette or DVD's of our worship to shut-ins and uploaded to our web-site and to Facebook

Sew Blessed


This group of women meets regularly preparing blankets, shawls, quilts, pillows, clothing etc. for various ministries.

Traditional Worship


A more traditional, formal worship style complete with liturgy, organ, choirs Scripture and morning message.

Cub Scouts

Reaching Out in Mission

The church sponsors the community Cub Pack # 3728 Contact the church for further information.

Nursing Home Service


An informal services for Seniors 

Men's Breakfast with Bible Study

Spiritual Life

Study Book format of Bible Study

Bible Study

Reaching Out in Mission

Several classes of Disciple Bible and other Bible Studies are conducted by this congregation at several area state prisons..

All Music Worship

Music, Arts and Worship

At least annually in late September or early October we have a worsihip service made up entirely of special music from our choirs and talented church members and friends.

Chancel Choir

Music, Arts and Worship

This choir for youth and adults rehearses on Wednesday evenings at 7:00- 8:00 p.m. during the school year and normally sings at the 9:30 worship service on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. (Sept. - May)

Gifts Anonymous

Reaching Out in Mission

Actively support with leadership and funds this program to supply gift baskets of food at Thanksgiving and Christmas and Christmas gifts to needy children in the community.

Periodic Bible Studies

Spiritual Life

Advent, Lenten, Stewardship & other studies are lead by the pastor on Wednesday mornings and one evening per week in those church seasons.

Markesan Resident Home & Barrett House Assisted Living


Pastor Shinr regularly leads Bible Study and worship at the Markesan Resident Home and the Barrett House assisted living facility. Contact the church for further information.



Pastor Yoder is trained in the Prepare/Enrich pre-marital/marriage counseling program. Please contact him directly through the church to arrange for any counseling or marriage planning.

Caring Team


A team of members that cares for the members and friends of our congregation through prayers and contacts to maintain connections to know needs of our individual members/friends.

Community Food Shelf

Reaching Out in Mission

Our church helps coordinate and facilitate the area Food Shelf to care for the hungry in our community.

Prayer List

Spiritual Life

E-mail and telephone Prayer Lists are maintained and updated as requests are received by the Pastor and/or church office.

Communications Team

Fun for All

Runs the Sound Desk during worship, records audio cassettes & video tapes worship. They also coordinate our in house computer network.

Habitat for Humanity--Marquette, MI

Reaching Out in Mission

One week every June this church sends a team to build homes for H4H in Marquette, MI

Holiday Store

Reaching Out in Mission

A store front downtown receiving and selling gently used Christmas and Holiday Decorations open mid-October to year end.

Emergency Relief

Reaching Out in Mission

The church participates in raising funds for disaster relief locally and through our denomination's UMCOR

Special Music

Music, Arts and Worship

We are always looking for talented groups & individuals to share their gifts with us in worship, particularly in the summer months when the Chancel Choir is not available.

Home Bound Ministry


Please contact our pastor via the church office for any requested home visitation or to schedule the worship services to be delivered on cassette tape or video.


Music, Arts and Worship

A wonderful group of men and women providing coffee, bars, cookies, cheese, crackers and more, facilitating a time of fellowship between our 8:30 and 10:30 worship services.

Media Team

Music, Arts and Worship

These men, women and youth run our sound board, projection, and recording equipment during all worship services. Services are recorded on tape & video for shut-ins and uploaded to our web-site.

Sew Blessed

Fun for All

Several women meeting weekly to sew, knit, craft mittens, scarves, shawls, blankets and quilts and similar projects for various needs and ministries locally and afar.

Markesan Community Food Shelf


This church is a founding member of the local food shelf--contact the church for contact information.

Christine Ann Shelter


The congregation helps support the Christine Ann Women's Abuse Shelter in Oshkosh and the surrounding area.

Church Nursery

Reaching Out in Mission

A Nursery area is available. Please ask ushers for assistance.

InterHope Ministry

Reaching Out in Mission

Support the ongoing ministry of Thad & Sally Wilkinson, missionaries providing orphanages in 3rd world countries for rescued children.

Adult Bible Studies

Spiritual Life

As the need arises this congregation teaches Discover Bible Study. A number of home Bible Study groups are also available.

Church Greeters

Music, Arts and Worship

This group of friendly folk welcome one and all to our worship services every Sunday morning, providing assistance with children, elderly, and those with handicapping conditions.

Appliance Fest

Reaching Out in Mission

A congregational ministry providing used, functional home appliances and furniture to area needy. Contact 398-8976 for assistance.

Pregnancy Resource Centers


The congregation supports both the Portage and Fond du Lac pregnancy care centers in its outreach ministry.

Christian Education for Adults


The class is pastor lead and frequently meets around a video study.

Hospital Visitation


Pastor Shin is available for visitation in homes or hospitals for all health concerns for members and others requesting pastoral visits.

Volunteers in Mission

Reaching Out in Mission

Occasionally send missioners from the congregation in cooperation with the Annual Conference VIM program.

Local Food Pantry

Reaching Out in Mission

Helped set up and maintain a local food pantry to meet area needs. For assistance contact 398-3458 or 3243

Sunday School


Christian education for children thru grade 6 meets September through May

Summer VBS

Reaching Out in Mission

Several days of Vacation Bible school are conducted each summer. Contact the church office for dates and times.

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