Vashon United Methodist Church

17928 Vashon Highway SW Vashon WA 98070 United States
Washington, Dockton, 98070
(206) 463-9804

Jacob Acer Group

Reaching Out in Mission

Jacob is one of the "Lost Boys" of the Sudan. Our church hosts and participates in an ongoing support group for Jacob helping him adapt to life here.

Greening the Church Team


This newly forming groups is focused on how our church and it's membership can live as responsible stewards of God's creation.

Nothing But Nets/Trick or Treat for UNICEF


Every October we Trick-Or-Treat to raise money for the Nothing But Nets campaign to fight against the spread of Malaria on the continent of Africa



Children are welcome and included in the worship experience.

Bible Study

Spiritual Life

This group meets faithfully every week to study the lectionary and to fellowship together

Interfaith Council on Homelessness

Reaching Out in Mission

This group meets once a month, but also offers ongoing support through meals every Tuesday and Thursday and some counseling and other support. The main contact is through our church and the meals are hosted at the Presbyterian church

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