A non-smoking group open to new members.
Music, Arts and Worship
Leading worship with a variety of instruments, including guitars, keyboard and vocals. Practices Thusdays at 6:30 pm.
Reaching Out in Mission
Providing weekend shelter for 8 women during two months of the year through a case-managed program in cooperation with the ecumenical community. Volunteers needed for meals and program coordination.
Worship provided for residents and their families. Includes birthday party!
Food and needed items can be brought to the church at any time and left in the box in the entry for delivery to Hopelink Food Bank.
Music, Arts and Worship
Leads worship with a variety of instruments including guitar, keyboard and vocal. Practices Thursdays at 6-30 pm.
Reaching Out in Mission
During J ul y, 2009 the Youth of the church will be doing a work trip to a local UMC camp.
Music, Arts and Worship
Practices Thursdays at 7:15 pm. Wide variety of selections from classical to contemporary. For everyone who loves to sing - no auditions needed!
Reaching Out in Mission
During the month of January, provides shelter for 30 men through a case-managed program. Opportunities for volunteers: providing meals, program coordination
A service following the model of Taize with chanting, prayers, scriptures and silence.
Fun for All
Gathering once a month for a shared meal, getting to know each other and maybe having a program!
Adult classes, youth discussion group. Caravan Crossing for Children, Nursery provided
A non-smoking group supporting family members with alcohol addiction.
Music, Arts and Worship
Plays at either service several times during the year. Practices Monday at 6:30 pm Sept -May
Beginning Sept, 2009, a new staff position will provide fee-based counseling.
Volunteers prepare and deliver meals to church members following illnesses, etc.