Eastland United Methodist Church

10718 Courthouse Rd Fredericksburg VA 22407 United States
Virginia, Fred, 22407
(540) 898-6430

Good News Choir

Music, Arts and Worship

Disaster relief support - cleaning buckets and monetary support to UMCOR

Reaching Out in Mission

Short-term mission trips for children and youth

Reaching Out in Mission

Helping Hands

Support of our District mission partner - Pathways in Petersburg, VA

Reaching Out in Mission

Potato Drop


We join with other local churches to offer this ministry

School supplies for low-income and homeless students

Reaching Out in Mission

Food Pantry to support walk-ins


Vacation Bible School - one week each summer

Reaching Out in Mission

Pillowcases of Love Ministry


We support this non-profit organization by making pillowcases to help provide a personal, caring touch to the hospitalized and victims of abuse.

Intercept ministry - support is offered to troubled teens

Reaching Out in Mission

Gleaning/Harvesting for local food banks


Food for Life Food Box


Food boxes offered to income qualified seniors

Chancel Choir

Music, Arts and Worship

Christmas and Easter Cantatas

Support of our District mission partner - the Evangelical Methodist Church in El Salvador

Reaching Out in Mission

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