Elder's Chapel United Methodist Church

210 Front Street Smyrna TN 37167-2840 United States
Tennessee, Smyrna, 37167
(615) 459-6163

Annual Men's Conference with support of other local churches


Elder's Chapel UMC gathers and donates food to the Smyrna Food Bank


Communion Stewards

Music, Arts and Worship

Set up altar monthly and prepare "elements" for Holy Communion prior to 1st Sunday of each month.

"Seniors" Bible Study meets 2nd & 4th Thursdays from 11:00am-12:00noon

Spiritual Life

The book, A Purpose Driven Life, by Rich Warren and the Holy Bible are used in this Bible Study. All persons are welcome.

Parish Fellowship


Raise money to provide college scholarships to High School Graduates enrolled in College.

Youth Ministry

Music, Arts and Worship

Men's Bible Study sponsored by the United Methodist Men of Elder's Chapel UMC.

Spiritual Life

Call church at 615-459-6163 to confirm time & date, as it is subject to change.

Elder's Chapel UMC serves fellowship meal & hosts the Laity Fellowship (UMC) of Rutherford County.

Fun for All

Elder's Chapel serves a home cooked meal to 50-85 members and guests of the meeting of laity from the UMC in the Murfreesboro District.

Advocacy for persons with Special Needs & diabilities.


members of Elder's Chapel serve on the District Leadership Team to advocate for persons with special needs. ns with special needs.

Pastor of Elder's Chapel UMC is an ongoing volunteer with Habitat for Humanity.

Reaching Out in Mission

Volunteers will be made available as age-appropriate service is needed.

Light food such as breakfast protein bars, fruit & a drink is offered as needed on Sunday mornings.


Elder's Chapel UMC rotates responsibility to serve Dinner & host meeting of the Parish Fellowship

Fun for All

The Murfreesboro Parish Fellowship presently meets every other month, but this Thanksgiving Dinner with Worship always takes place the Saturday prior to Thanksgiving Day every year.

Fall Trip to Low Income Apartment Complex to provide Thanksgiving Food Boxes to Needy/Elderly

Reaching Out in Mission

Outreach Project of Children's Ministry at Elder's Chapel UMC

Older Adult Bible Study (Men & Women) meets every Wednesday evening from 6:30pm to 8:00pm

Spiritual Life

This Bible Study welcomes all adults from the local community.

Women's Day at Elder's Chapel UMC-sponsored by the UMW

Fun for All

After the morning worship service, a reception/fellowship meal is enjoyed by all present.

Usher Board

Music, Arts and Worship

Praise Team

Music, Arts and Worship

Hosts "Choir Day" the first Saturday evening in October at 6:00pm--Choirs from local churches come & does Praise & Worship Singing--Free to all.

Teens, Youth & Children's Bible Study from 6:30pm-7:30pm; snacks served after Bible Study.

Spiritual Life

All ages are welcome.

UMW provides Mission Study Courses about Immigration and supports Justice For Our Neighbors (JFON).

Reaching Out in Mission

Elder's Chapel offers direct services to immigrant, on a need basis, as we are able.

Worship & Fellowship at the TENN. VA Nursing Home in Murfreesboro, TN

Health and Wholeness

Service is a collaboration of Stephen's Chapel UMC, Emery UMC, and Elder's Chapel UMC.

Children's Ministry & Christian Education Ministry

Fun for All

Following Bible Study or YMF, Pizza & drink or another snack is served to all.

Easter Sunrise Service is followed by a fellowship Breakfast for all present.

Fun for All

Elder's Chapel UMC and Lilliard's Chapel UMC rotate in hosting this annual worship service followed by breakfast for all present. Elder's will host/serve breakfast in 2014 on Easter Morning. .

Pastoral & congregation care services include referral services as well as direct services.

Reaching Out in Mission

As we learn about employment needs, we offer direct services as well as networking help.

Summer Worship in the Park by the entire Parish Fellowship followed by a Picnic.

Fun for All

Each church brings enough food to serve their members as well as enough to share.

Referral service to YWCA of Middle Tenn. and other Community Agencies


Prayer Ministry prior to Bible Study (Include prayer list from Sunday's worship service).

Spiritual Life

2014 Annual Easter Sunday Play/Program (9:00am) & Worship (10:00am) by Christian Ed. Ministry.

Music, Arts and Worship

The "Children's Church" of Elder's Chapel coordinates the 10:00am Worship Service and 9:00am Easter Play.

United Methodist Women

Fun for All

Conducts Mission Studies; Does Community Outreach Projects; Helps Fund local & global mission efforts.

Elder's Chapel UMC supports Health mission of the UMC


Co-sponsor suicide prevention & anti-bullying conference which share information regarding mental health issues.

Young Adult Bible Study

Spiritual Life

Call the church at 459-6163 to confirm time & date which may vary.

Older Adults, Young Adults, Teens, Youth & Children's Sunday School


Come and study God's Word with us, every Sunday morning at 9:00am. Come for a visit. Stay for a lifetime.

Pastoral visitation with congregational care by church members.


Hospital visits/fellowship/delivery of Holy Communion/ Prayer ministry is ongoing.

Children's Church/Christian Education/Youth Ministry offers assistance with reading.

Reaching Out in Mission

Members of all ages are given encouragement and help with Scripture Reading during Worship, Sunday School, and Bible Study.

Pastor works with Krogers to purchase discounted food for donating to the needy.


Hot meals delivered to sick & shut-ins is a mission/ministry of the United Methodist Women


The food is donated, already cooked, by church members. Vounteers delivered these hot meals to persons as requested.

Elder's Chapel supports the UMC District Disaster Response Team

Reaching Out in Mission

We support financially with needs of families upon direct requests to Elders & Through the Tenn. Annual Conference Apportionment that we pay.

We undergird those persons living in poverty as a mission effort of Elder's Chapel, as we are able.

Reaching Out in Mission

Elder's Chapel food Panty donates weekly to the Smyrna Food Bank to help the low income and needy. Pastor Cobbett provides gift bags each fall to the "Room in the Inn" participants in conjunction with John Wesley UMC.

Rally Day/Church Anniversary Fellowship Meal

Fun for All

After the morning worship a fellowship meal is served to church members and guests.

Men's Day at Elder's Chapel UMC-sponsored by the UMM

Fun for All

After morning worship, a reception/fellowship meal is served to all present.

Praise Team & Men's Choir

Music, Arts and Worship

Elder's Chapel's choir is called the "Praise Team." They sing every Sunday at worship and also sings at other churches on Sunday afternoons and on some Saturday evenings, during special celebrations in the local community.

Praise & Worship Service


We Love God and We Love His People. Come as you are! We are informal in dress, yet serious about Praising our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We preach the "Word." .

Church recognition of Veterans and Special Worship with Vets at the VA Nursing Home


Sunday Worship 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Sundays each month at 2:00pm. Provided in collaboration with other churches.

Worship/Fellowship at Tenn. VA Nursing Home Residents


collaboration with Pastors/members of Stephen's Chapel UMC, Emery UMC & Elder's Chapel UMC

Pastoral Counseling


available as requested, as appropriate, as needed

YMF-Youth Methodist Fellowship

Fun for All

Brainstorm creative activities in this and other areas--such as a youth network.

Seniors will study "A Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren & keep a journal.

Spiritual Life

The Holy Bible will be the primary guide for seeking God and Finding the Will of God.

"Seniors" from Wed. evening Bible Study with Gardens share excess with their neighbors.


Members often clear out their home pantries and bring food for sharing.

Annual Homecoming/Queen Victoria Day Celebration with Fellowship Meal

Fun for All

All church members and guests enjoy a fellowship meal between services on this day.

United Methodist Men

Fun for All

Will meet for praye/bible study and other UMM Mission/outreach activities

United Methodist Men & Women outreach to all persons that call or come to the church for help.

Reaching Out in Mission

Help is provided based on the need and the availability of funds; direct & indirect help is offered.

Family & Friends Day Fellowship Meal

Fun for All

After morning worship, a fellowship meal is served to members and guests prior to the afternoon service.

UMW-United Methodist Women

Fun for All

A meal is served prior to the monthly meeting of the UMW to all persons present. Meals are delivered to sick & shut-in members.

Pastoral & Congregational Care for homebound members offer regular visitation


Holy Communion taken by the Pastor to homebound members upon request.

Pastor of Elder's Chapel UMC is a former Math Teacher of ESL students and helps as needed .

Reaching Out in Mission

Informal help available as requested. We will offer outreach to the local community.

Counseling after Bible Study as needed


Smyrna "Depot Days:"-- Elder's Chapel UMC serves "White Beans & Corn Bread" each year.

Fun for All

This is a fellowship opportunity with the entire community--business, religious, & other groups come together to celebrate Depot Days in downtown Smyrna, TN.

Volunteers/ Support Annual Smyrna Depot Days with a Booth -- "white beans & Corn bread"

Reaching Out in Mission

Elder's Chapel UMC supports the Smyrna Cemetary Association with meeting space.

Music Ministry--Praise Team

Music, Arts and Worship

Music includes drums, keyboards, & bass guitar and voices of Elder's Chapel's Choir

Ministry of United Methodist Women-Mission is to Educated & Model going "green."


Congregational Care

Health and Wholeness

Pastor and members contact and visit the sick and/or hospitalized members as notified.

Pastor & UMW support district & conference level mission efforts as requested


Pastor is a member of Church Women United and supports this ministry through them.

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