Dunaway's Chapel United Methodist Church

9665 Dunaway Chapel Road Lascassas TN 37085 United States
Tennessee, Lascassas, 37085
(931) 619-0244

Sunday Worship


All are welcome!  We gather as The People of God, and we are a wide range of disciples of Jesus Christ.  We welcome all and celebrate the gifts God has given without regard to gender, race, economic, family status, ethnicity, sexual orientation, mental or physical ability.

We believe God loves everyone unconditionally!


Reaching Out in Mission

The Tennessee, Memphis and California-Pacific Annual Conferences of The United Methodist Church are partnering with the East Congo United Methodist Church through “Congo Women Arise” – an initiative to address the needs of rape survivors in a location often called the “rape capital of the world.”

In Congolese culture, women are the foundation of the family, church and village. These women are targeted and used as pawns in the war raging in the region. In an attempt to disjoint families and communities, their aggressors leave them as victims of physical, sexual, psychological, social and domestic problems.

Congo Women Arise will provide a women’s center with transitional housing in Kindu, Democratic Republic of the Congo, as the local church brings physical, psychosocial and spiritual support for survivors. Women can learn income-generating skills such as cooking, sewing, midwifery, and childcare to provide long-term sustainability.

During the next week we will collect a special offering to be given at The Annual Tennessee Conference.  

This offering will be combined with other area churches on Monday June 12 to further The Mama Lynn Center” after Lynn McAlilly, wife of Bishop Bill McAlilly of the Tennessee and Memphis Conferences, it will become a life-changing place of hope with a transformative effect on many villages and communities. Supporting this center is a continuation of the relationships and work that each of these U.S. conferences already has established in the East Congo Episcopal Area.

Join us, and others for this opportunity to make aware, and raise others to the mission of being a Disciple of Jesus Christ.

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