United Church of Canistota

115 N Railway Ave Canistota SD 57012 United States
South Dakota, Canistota, 57012
(605) 296-3339

Bible Study at the Good Samaaritan Center

Spiritual Life

Community people and residents or Good Samaritan Center study books of the Bible together.


Reaching Out in Mission

This is a branch of Scouting that is for girls and boys up to age 21.

This ministry is usually in late May or early June for ages 4 - grade 6.

Reaching Out in Mission

Prayers and Squares

Spiritual Life

Quilting Ministry

Prison Ministry

Reaching Out in Mission

We worship with the inmates at the SD State Penitentiary who are part of the Prison Lighthouse Fellowship which is a Baptist congregation.

Pastor John and Starlyn Church


The pastor and the New Ministries Coordinator visit the elderly, shut-in and hospitalized members of the congreagation.

Turkey Supper

Fun for All

We feel about 600 people turkey & dressing, potatoes, coleslaw, green beans, homemade pies We also have a bazaar that day. It takes everyone's help in our church to make this possible.


Music, Arts and Worship

The elders of our church are assigned Sundays to greet each person that comes to worship with us.

Dorcas Society

Spiritual Life

Ladies group that embroiders dish towels, sells cards and cutlery items and supports many mission projects. They do not meet in January and February.

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