St Paul - Calvary United Methodist Church

1427 Memorial Avenue Williamsport PA 17701 United States
Pennsylvania, Barbours, 17701
(570) 322-5054

Chancel Choir

Music, Arts and Worship

We use our voices to praise God. Practices are Wednesdays at 7:30pm.

A Time of Prayer

Spiritual Life

A Time of Prayer - Invitation to sit with others in the presence of God. Silent prayer and spoken prayers as each is comfortable. Come and go as comfortable. 

Visitation Team


We visit the homebound and the hospitalized.

The Master Crafters

Fun for All

This group meets upstairs in the choir room and makes quilts for cancer patients, newborns, and those in need. We also share patterns and of course, fellowship.

Praying Grandmothers

Spiritual Life

We meet downstairs in the Boy Scout Room and pray for our grandchildren. We also offer spiritual support to each other.

Blessing Quilts


Church Food Pantry


Emergency food provided upon request.

Free Community Dinner


Everyone is welcome! Come and share a meal with members of the congregation. There are also door prizes given to visitors.

Children's Choir

Music, Arts and Worship

Children practice at the end of Sunday School time.


Music, Arts and Worship

We ring our bells to praise God! We practice Sundays at 5:30pm.

Boy Scout Troop #3

Reaching Out in Mission

Family Promise

Reaching Out in Mission

We cooperate with other churches to provide housing and meals for homeless families with children four weeks a year.

Welcome Team

Music, Arts and Worship

Wednesday Evening Bible Studies

Spiritual Life

Short-term topical studies 

Care packages


Worship Service


Sunday Morning Worship Informal traditional

Sunday School for all ages


There are numerous adult classes, one youth, 2-3 children's class, and a nursery.

Care packages


Sojourner Truth Meals


Kairos Prison Ministry

Reaching Out in Mission

Two people are involved in this ministry.

St. Paul-Calvary Players

Music, Arts and Worship

We put on a dinner theater each spring. It's a four-day must see event!

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