Spiritual Life
Join us every Tuesday afternoon for a group Bible Study. Please, contact the church for more information.
Music, Arts and Worship
The choir practices and presents seasonal pieces in a variety of contemporary and traditional choral styles.
The church hosts an Acoholics Anonymous group twice a week. Call the Church office at 475-2150 for information on joining this group.
Fun for All
Meet after worship for food and fellowship as the family of God.
Come join us each Sunday morning for a wonderful, warming and sometimes moving experience as we celebrate God with stories, songs and fellowship.
Our church hosts the Community Kitchen each week and provides food and servers once a month. All are welcome to join for food and fellowship.
Reaching Out in Mission
Providing assistance to people seeking ID
Music, Arts and Worship
Our Hand Bell Choir meets each Monday to practice making their beautiful music. They share that music with us periodically on Sundays and through out the year at various community events. If you would be interested in becoming a part of the group, please, just drop in some Monday morning and introduce yourself!
Music, Arts and Worship
The music team practices Wednesday nights to prepare the music for Sunday morning worship. We have a combination of piano, guitars, drums and vocalists playing a variety of contemporary and traditional Christian music.
Fun for All
This is a group of adults that meet for fellowship and educational opportunities through the year. Check our website at www.madrasumc.org for upcoming events.
Health and Wholeness
We are a collection point in Madras for pull tabs to be given to the Ronald McDonald House in Bend. The pull tabs are recycled and the house uses the money to support families in need of lodging while their children seek medical attention.
Our food shopping pantry is open to all. You can come in once every month to walk through our pantry and pick what groceries you would like. The food is supplied from Neighbor Impact, Safeway Grocery Store with donations from places like Grocery Outlet and Dollar Store. Please remember it is one shopping trip per household each month.
For pastoral counseling please contact the church office at 541-475-2150
Fun for All
Church and community gather together to share their crafting skills.
Brown Bags Program occurs the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month. An abundance of food is supplied from Neighbor Impact. Bring your own bags or boxes, we will fill them up until all the food is gone. Order of entrance goes by numbers that are given out and drawn by random. Numbers are given out beginning at 4:00pm and the doors open at 4:30pm.
Produce has been planted and cared for by members of our congregation, including the children. The produce is used for meals at our Community Kitchen and to be given as part of our Food Bag Ministry.
Health and Wholeness
Call the church at 475-2150 for information and dates for the blood drive.
Supplemental nutrition program for school age children over the weekends