Clarkes United Methodist Church

17294 S Windy City Rd Mulino OR 97042 United States
Oregon, Mulino, 97042
(503) 632-7778

Forgiveness Series

Spiritual Life

On the first and third Sundays of the month, we have a study on forgiveness. All are welcome. At 6:00, we have a light meal (usually soup and bread), followed by discussion on the topic of forgiveness.

Fathers Heart Street Ministry


Camp Macgruder

Fun for All

Molalla Food Bank


Love, Inc Bedding Ministry

Reaching Out in Mission

Suttle Lake Camp

Fun for All


Music, Arts and Worship

Colton Food Bank


Coffee Hour

Fun for All

Youth Group

Fun for All

Prayer Shawl Ministry


Prayer Chain

Spiritual Life

We have an active prayer chain for concerns.

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