Albright United Methodist Church

128 S. Palm Street Ponca City OK 74601-5155 United States
Oklahoma, Kildare, 74601
(580) 765-6432

using linen napkins, washable plates and silverware this year. may recycle bulletins, newsnotes,


VBS each year, good participation , reaches to neighborhood community

Reaching Out in Mission

Have special Praise Music during year, focusing on implementing this in worship more often

Music, Arts and Worship

Pastor and calling group, Caring Committee calls on ill and confined

Health and Wholeness

Brown Bag Bible Study. Reference material

Spiritual Life

Women's Bible Study

Spiritual Life

Children's Bell Choir performing on special Sunday Services during year

Music, Arts and Worship

Five Practices of a Fruitful Congregation-Five study sessions beginning 10-11-09

Spiritual Life

Presently focusing on practicing radical hospitality from study of Fruitful Congregations

Music, Arts and Worship

Special Greeters from each Sunday school class during year at each entrance

Music, Arts and Worship

A weekly exercise group-Video led, Basketball goals in parking lot provided neighborhood

Fun for All

AUMC prayer chain

Spiritual Life

Active phone prayer requests and spread to prayer members on chain. Prayer requests via email from church office.

Each month-different food item to New Emergency Resource Agency in addition to funds


Several Fellowship Meals during year, special events, honoring SRs,Graduates,Confirmation ,etsc

Fun for All

Volunteers for senior citizens center, hospital, Friendship Feast,

Reaching Out in Mission

Nearby Drug/Alcohol unit welcomed to our church. We stay connected to them and welcome them

Reaching Out in Mission

Church has retired doctor and retired nurse, checks BP once a month after service

Health and Wholeness

Active scouting participation , girls and boys, leaders who are members

Reaching Out in Mission

Members serve Disaster Relief and VIM trips

Reaching Out in Mission

Caring committee calls on homebound, makes Care Bears for hospitilized . Sends cards and gift saks


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