Loretto United Methodist Church

2122 Oak Street (or State Highway 14; Loretto, NE) Albion NE 68620 United States
Nebraska, Albion, 68620
(402) 395-2710

United Methodist Youth Fellowship (UMYF)

Fun for All

Does not meet during Summer Schedule

Community Pot Luck

Fun for All

Every two years have pot-luck meal at Loretto church with those in community

Sunday School


During Regular Worship schedule. Does not meet during summer schedule.

Disaster Shelter

Reaching Out in Mission

In event of disaster, the Loretto church will be a response area for people to go.

Lenten Study

Spiritual Life

call church for time and dates

Grapevine Newsletter

Fun for All

Occasional Project information sharing

Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations

Spiritual Life

United Methodist Membership Study

Spiritual Life

Fellowship Potluck

Fun for All

Participate with Albion UMC twice yearly

Regular Worship Schecule


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