Music, Arts and Worship
Rehearsals are Wednesdays at 8:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary.
Reaching Out in Mission
After school on Wednesday evenings during the school year. Bible stories, music, crafts and the Surprise Zone.
Spiritual Life
Six week study. Additional times to be announced.
Reaching Out in Mission
Held annually in early summer. Open to pre-school through fifth grade youth; do not need to be attending UMC.
Music, Arts and Worship
Volunteers always welcome! Also for greeting at funerals and other events.
Members provide knitted and crocheted shawls for comfort to anyone in need.
Reaching Out in Mission
Ministry began in Denver, CO and Omaha, NE reaching out to those in need. Group has traveled to New Orleans, LA and Greensburg, KS to help rebuild. May return to Omaha, NE in 2010.
TLC volunteers reach out to those who need comfort or companionship.