Carrington Federated

775 2nd St North Carrington ND 58421 United States
North Dakota, Barlow, 58421
(701) 652-2288

Men's Bible Discussion and Coffee

Spiritual Life

Coffee and Snacks Fellowship

Fun for All

Takes place in our comfy East room! Come and have a nice hot cup of coffee and a snack while having some good conversation with some great friendly folks!

Confidential Prayer Chain

Spiritual Life

If you are in need of prayer for any reason and want some extra folks praying for you. Give the office a call and let the Pastor know. He can start a prayer chain for you, or if you wish, pray with you on the spot.


Fun for All

Don't worry if you do not have something to share, for there is always plenty of food! You are welcome join in the festivities!

Open time of casual Prayer

Spiritual Life

Come as you are for a time of silent and vocal prayer for ourselves, our community, and anything else we feel a need to pray about. This is open to any and all who just need an extra time to connect with God.

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