Evangelical United Methodist Church

345 Broadwater Ave Billings MT 59101 United States
Montana, Billings, 59101
(406) 259-1897

Pastor's Discussion Group

Spiritual Life

Sandwich Ministry


Young Adults Group

Spiritual Life

Praise Singers

Music, Arts and Worship

When the choir is not 'front and center', the Praise Singers help lead our worship singing. You do not need to be a trained singer to joing the Praise Singers, just someone wanting to make a joyful noise.

Men's Breakfast

Spiritual Life

Active Youth Fellowship

Fun for All

For Junior and Senior High Youth

Discover Bible Study

Spiritual Life

Christian Book Studies

Spiritual Life

Christian book studies are scheduled at various times through out the year. Contact the church office to find out when the next study will begin.

Adult Sunday School


(No adult Sunday School during the summer)

Ladies Bible Study

Spiritual Life

Nursery Care


(available all year)

Wednesday Bible Study

Spiritual Life

Food Pantry


Sunday Worship


(Childcare is provided during the service and communion is held the first Sunday of each month)

Childrens Sunday School


(held all year)

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