Onamia United Methodist Church

209 Pine St North Onamia MN 56359 United States
Minnesota, Onamia, 56359
(320) 532-3150

Food Shelf


We collect donations Jan to March and then as needed by the local community program.

Coffee Fellowship before worship time.

Fun for All

Coffee, juice, and desserts are available to all at the fellowship time.

Open Classroom for preschool through junior high school grades.


Children go out for Sunday School after Children's Worship time in with the adults

Bible Study

Spiritual Life

A small group meets to discuss a selected book. Also the third Thursday of every month

Special Events

Spiritual Life

Our UMW sponsors two events each year for outreach and funding for their services.

The year starts with July Pie and Ice Crean Social.  A dozen or more flavors of pie, ice cream, beverage, and fellowship.

 The first Friday in December kicks off the annual Cook Sale.  A delicious way to start off the Christmas Season.

AA meetings


Weekly community meetings are held at the church and are open to anyone.

Pie and Ice crem Socialg Events

Spiritual Life

July 25, 2018.  Pie and Ice Cream Social sponsored by our UMW. 5 pm to 7 pm.  So many different pies you'll find it hard to choose.

Chuch on the Hill sponsored by the Hopkins Family


Family gathering for worship and pot luck fellowship.  All are welcome, you don't need to bring anything.

Organizations supported by our church


Onamia Little Free Libraries

Food shelf
EMMA Norton
Ecumenical Men's Club
Senior Center

Bible Studies

Spiritual Life

 We are currently studying Mark. The study will be lead by members of the congregation.  Meetings will be held the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month starting at 3:30pm.  Sessions last approximately 1hour with good fellowship throughout.

Join us at any time for stimulating meetings.

Special Events

Fun for All

December 2nd. Hanging of The Greens.  A special celebration decorating the church Christmas Tree, with the younger members adding their talents.

December 16th.  Birthday Party for Christ.  Not only celebrating Christ but also the women of the Bible.  This is a very moving celebration.  A pot luck follows with always enough food to feed guests.  Come one, come all.

December 7th.  UMW annual cooky sale at the local elementary schoo starting at 3pm.  Cookies sold by the pound with a wide variety to choose from.  Always a tasty treat'

Transportation to church services


Members provide rides to Sunday worship for communtiy residents as needed.

Special Offerings - UMCOR

Reaching Out in Mission

We participate in offerings as needed for disaster relief around the world.  The Men's Club has donated $200 to UMCOR for hurricane relief.

Reconciling and Igniting Ministries

Music, Arts and Worship

The congregation invites all persons to particate in worship, fellowship, and activities.

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