St Stephen Roman Catholic Church

900 W Garden St
Florida, Pensacola, 32502
(850) 432-9362

Mass Times

Mass Schedule:

Saturday: 4 PM Rosary is recited at 3:30 PM
Sunday: 7:30 AM and 10:30 AM High Gregorian (Tridentine) Mass
Rosary is recited at 10 AM

Daily Mass:

Monday and Friday 8:00 AM (Rosary following Mass).
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 6 PM. (Rosary at 5:30 PM).

Saturday: 8 AM followed by:
Benediction and Novena to Our Lady of Fatima with prayers for healing (First Saturday)
Our Lady of Fatima Novena with prayers for healing (all other Saturdays)

On Thursday the Low Mass is followed by Novena to the Infant of Prague and Benediction.

Holy Days of Obligation
Gregorian (Tridentine) Mass at 6 PM.

St. Stephen Roman Catholic Church; home of the Latin Mass in Pensacola. St. Stephen Parish was founded in 1922 and its school in 1933 (which closed in 1973). It has served the people of Pensacola and many others who have been stationed here on military duty or training for these many years. At present, the Parish is the only one in the Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee which offers the Traditional Latin Mass, the so-called Tridentine or Gregorian Rite of the Mass not only EVERY Sunday and Holy Day but also several times a week, including special Feasts only found in the 1962 Calendar. Since March of the Year 2000, by the kind petition of His Excellency, Bishop John H. Ricard (now since retired), we have had this Rite every month. Beginning with September 2008, in obedience to His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI’s Motu Proprio, “Summorum Pontificum,” we have had this beautiful Ancient Rite every Sunday at ten-thirty a.m. It is a High sung Mass. Though longer than other forms of the Liturgy, it is very lovely and reverent and inspires faith in the Mystery of our Redemption by Christ, our High and Eternal Priest. If you want the Faith, the Liturgy, and the Teaching of the centuries, St. Stephen is the Parish for you. If you want “fast-food”, casual type Liturgies, it most certainly is not. All are welcome. PLEASE OBSERVE RULES OF ETIQUETTE: A SPIRIT OF SILENCE AND PRAYER IN CHURCH; PROPER ATTIRE – NO PICNIC OR BEACH WEAR HERE. PLEASE – NO SHORTS OR LOW CUT NECKLINES OR SUPER SHORT SKIRTS. UPPER ARMS AND CHEST NEED TO BE COVERED FOR BOTH MEN AND WOMEN. MODESTY IN ALL THINGS IN THE HOLY TEMPLE – AT ALL TIMES. We thank you for your full cooperation. We love our Church and respect the holiness of the Temple of God. For those who prefer the more modern Rite of Blessed Paul VI and mostly in English, we recommend the Vigil Mass and the early Mass at 7:30 on Sundays. We also have a Low Tridentine Mass every Thursday followed by Benediction, (on most Thursdays of the year). The morning Mass on Saturday at 8 AM is now also in the Gregorian Rite. This is followed by our traditional Novena to Our Lady of Fatima and Prayers for Healing. Many over the years claim healings of body and soul. We look forward to seeing you soon! – Very Rev. Canon Pérez

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