First United Methodist Church of Melrose

645 Main St Melrose MA 02176 United States
Massachusetts, Melrose, 02176
(781) 662-7060

Great Decisions

Spiritual Life

Great Decisions meets several times during the year to discuss current events.  Great Decisions is America's largest discussion program on world affairs.  We read the Great Decisions Briefing Book, watch the DVD, and meet in a discussion group to discuss the most critical global issues facing America today.
Each year, eight topics are chosen by a panel of experts. This year we are tackling critical issues from nuclear security to trade to the future of Europe.

This spring, we watched the deeply moving and educational film about how German, US citizens helped the US during the war in "The Ritchie Boys."

Book Study

Spiritual Life

Our congregation has bible study and other spiritual studies several times a year.  Check our website for the current study series.  We tend to have two sessions:  Monday evenings around 7, and Tuesdays around 11 am.  

Coffee Fellowship

Fun for All

Please join us after the Sanctuary service for coffee, refreshments and fellowship in the library.

Food Pantry Sunday


FUMC actively supports our local food pantry with Food Pantry Sundays, featuring a specific food item (our peanut butter sunday was a big hit with the Sunday school kids). We also hold semi-annual In-gatherings with the Sunday School and congregation.

Though we do not keep a food pantry here, we collect donations for the Pantry of Hope, which is an active Food Pantry at our neighbor, First Baptist Church.

Melrose Alliance Against Violence


FUMC is a supporter of Melrose Alliance Against Violence and church members participate in a yearly vigil and walk.

Sr High Fellowship

Fun for All

Our Senior High Youth Group is a dynamic group of young people guided by fantastic mentors. Please call the church office for more information on meeting days and times.

Children's Programs

Fun for All

Committee on Racial Justice:

Reaching Out in Mission

Please take a moment to read our statement in full about the sign on our lawn, which reads "Because We Believe All Lives Matter, We Affirm Black Lives Matter."

FUMC Website

Music, Arts and Worship

FUMC has a growing website and welcomes input and ideas from our congregation and visitors

Worship Service


Come join us in our beautiful sanctuary with our stunning stained glass windows and transcendent music. Sanctuary services are held from August through June. Please see our website at for the most updated information, including our summer "union" worship schedule.  We have regular 10 am services except for four weeks of July, where we alternate worship sites and pastors with three other churches.

Please come as you are – dress is informal or as you feel comfortable. We invite you to bring the kids – children are welcome here!  We have one worship service at 10, with choir.  Children ages 5 through high school can attend the service with their parents and go to Sunday School after the children’s message.  We have nursery care with a professional attendant for children under 4.  We offer a fun, kid-friendly area at the rear of the Sanctuary if you choose to keep your children with you during church.

Coffee, tea and treats are served at Coffee Fellowship hour, at 11 am. 

We encourage you to visit - don't hesitate to introduce yourself and fill out a blue "visitor's card" - and we hope to see you soon!

Children's Sunday School


Sunday School is held Sundays from September to June. Children can attend the first portion of the Sanctuary service and then are called forward for a special lesson, after which they are dismissed to their Sunday School Classrooms.

Jr. High Fellowship

Fun for All

FUMC is thrilled to have a Jr. High Fellowship led by our Coordinator of Youth Ministries. Meetings are generally Sunday afternoons. Please call the church office for more information.

Fellowship meals and events

Fun for All

Our FUMC family gathers throughout the year for pot-luck suppers and luncheons, barbecues, and other fun family-friendly events and programs. Make plans to join us at our next event! We recently completed the innovative series "Community Dinners," where families came and helped prepare food together in our large kitchen.  We discussed making periodic family dinners a priority for those who are very busy, how to manage technology at the table, and "sacred silliness."  This was a huge hit!

Prayer Shawl & Blanket Ministry


Calling all knitters, crocheters and quilters, FUMC has an active Prayer shawl and blanket ministry that is part of our outreach to the community. Please join us in spreading prayers and love through a warm blanket or shawl for someone special.

Media Ministry

Music, Arts and Worship

Our media team helps run the powerpoint and audio for the service. We are always looking for volunteers to work with this great group!

Each week, the 10:00am Sanctuary service is recorded for broadcast on Melrose’s community television station, MMTV.

Telecasting of the worship services appears on MMTV (Melrose Cable Channel 3 & Verizon Cable Channel 39) at the following times:  Sunday at 9:00 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. and Monday at 8:00 p.m.

If you are interested in learning more about our Television Ministry or would like to volunteer, contact the church office.

Hate Has No Home Here

Reaching Out in Mission

We support Hate Has No Home Here, with our inclusive policies and actions.  Our house of worship is a safe place where everyone is welcome and valued.  

We serve to support the Bread of Life


FUMC is proud to actively support the Bread of Life ministry in Malden, MA. Once a month and a half - search "Feeding Ministry" on our website calendar here, our crew gathers to prepare and serve a meal for the Bread of Life along with bringing donations of home-made goods to distribute at their site, American Legion Post 69, 368 Pleasant St, Malden. 

Can you bake?  Can you grab an extra dessert at the store?  Can you help serve, clean up, or cook?  

All are welcome, please join us, as we really need your help.  Children are welcome and can help as well! Please view our document here for additional information and ideas to include everyone in the family to make a real difference, right here in our community!

Weekly Choir, Paid Internships, Special Music Presentations with Guest Musicians

Music, Arts and Worship

Music is an integral part of who we are at First United Methodist Church, Melrose. When we gather for worship, we sing together exuberantly as a congregation; our choirs offer a variety of superb literature from all traditions; and our organ gives voice to emotions ranging from exuberant praise to deep lament. In all that we do to support Word and Sacrament in the liturgy through music, we seek to glorify God and nourish God’s people, pursuing excellence and offering the best of our abilities to the One in whose name we gather.

To contact Andrew Mattfeld, Director of Music Ministries regarding the music or choir internship programs at FUMC Melrose, please email him at [email protected].

We are blessed to have Andrew David Mattfeld as our talented Director of Music Ministry. Andrew is an exquisite musician with wonderful organ proficiency.  Throughout the year, we feature special musical guests, but weekly we feature the illustrious Chancel Choir, complete with yearly paid internship opportunities for high schoolers interested in a life of music ministry.  You can catch select performances on our website, or please view more by visiting our channel on Vimeo here.

Melrose Human Rights Commission

Reaching Out in Mission

The MHRC’s mission involves work supporting human rights in the areas of housing, employment, education, public accommodation, city services, insurance, banking, credit and health care.


Reaching Out in Mission

FUMC has a history of reaching out to help others across the city and around the world. For example, our congregation collected donations and made up over 300 health kits to send to the survivors of the Haitian earthquake, as well as monetary donations.  We raised 

Throughout the year, we receive special Sunday offerings, to support missions which include:

  • Human Relations Day (Sunday before the national observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday) strengthens United Methodist outreach to communities in the United States and Puerto Rico, encouraging social justice and work with at-risk youth.
  • UMCOR Sunday (fourth Sunday in Lent) Previously known as One Great Hour Of Sharing, this Sunday enables the United Methodist Committee on Relief to reach out through worldwide ministries of food, shelter, health and peace.
  • Native American Ministries Sunday (third Sunday of Easter) nurtures mission with Native Americans and provides scholarships for United Methodist Native American seminarians.
  • Peace With Justice Sunday (first Sunday after Pentecost) enables The United Methodist Church to have a voice in advocating for peace and justice through a broad spectrum of global programs.
  • World Communion Sunday (first Sunday of October) provides scholarships for U.S. racial- and ethnic-minority students and international students, on both undergraduate and graduate levels.
  • United Methodist Student Day (last Sunday of November) furnishes scholarships and loans for students attending United Methodist-related and other accredited colleges and universities.

Summer Union Services


FUMC participates in Summer Union Services with a number of other protestant churches in town. Summer Union Services occur in July and August, please see our website at for more information.

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