First United Methodist Church of Lake Charles

812 Kirkman Street Lake Charles LA 70601 United States
Louisiana, Grand Lake, 70601
(337) 436-6656

Worship Team

Music, Arts and Worship

The worship team provides music for our 8:30 am Contemporary Worship Service on Sunday mornings. They rehearse every Thursday evening in the Worship Center.

Contemporary Worship Service


Features upbeat praise and worship music, video, drama, & children's sermon. Casual atmosphere. Nursery provided for children 6 wks-to 4 yrs. old. Service is held in the Contemporary Worship Center.

Harvest Festival/Trunk or Treat

Fun for All

Held on the last Sunday afternoon of October. Church members decorate the trunks of thier cars and pass out candy to costumed children. Other activities include space jumps, games, food .

Abraham's Tent Soup Kitchen


Volunteers work in this local soup kitchen on the 3rd Wednesday or 4th Monday of the month to help prepare and/or serve the noon meal.

Sunday Morning Learning Opportunities


Learning opportunities available for children (age 3-5th grade), youth (6th-12th grade), and adults.

Caring Ministry


Laypersons visit those in the hospital and homebound on a regularly scheduled basis. Our senior pastor and associate pastor also visit the hospitals and the homebound regularly.

Topical Studies

Spiritual Life

These include Advent Studies, Lenten Studies, and other topical studies, etc that are held at various times throughout the year. Dates and times vary according to the particular study.

Computer/Lighting Ministry

Music, Arts and Worship

This ministry involves the use of Mediashout software and working the lighting and sound for the Contemporary Worship service as well as working the sound booth for our Traditional Worship service.

Volunteers in Mission Trips

Reaching Out in Mission

Our church usually participates in two annual mission trips out of the country. Dates vary. Contact the church for more information.



Counseling or counseling referrals can be arranged through the church office.

Adult Bible Studies

Spiritual Life

These studies are held at various times of the year. Dates and times vary according to the particular study.

Greeter Ministry

Music, Arts and Worship

We have greeters stationed at entrances into our Worship Center and Sanctuary prior to our church services on Sunday mornings.

Traditional Worship Service


Service features traditional hymnal music,children's sermon, & special pre-service music.Nursery is provided for children age 6 wks to 4 yrs. old. Service is held in the Sanctuary.

Chancel Choir

Music, Arts and Worship

The Chancel Choir sings for the 10:45 am Traditional Worship service every Sunday morning. They rehearse every Wednesday evening.

Soul Food Casserole Ministry

Health and Wholeness

Casseroles are delivered to those just out of the hospital or going through a difficult time.

First Methodist Preschool

Reaching Out in Mission

Our program for children ages six weeks to four years old is one of the finest in the parish with over 40 years of experience educating and caring for young children. For more information visit

Hospital Visitation


Our ministers as well as Caring Ministry laypersons visit those in the hospital on a regular basis

Disaster Recovery

Reaching Out in Mission

Train and equip volunteers for service in permanent repair and rebuilding of property damaged by natural disasters. Contact the church office for more information.

Women's Prison Sunday Services

Reaching Out in Mission

Sunday services (either morning or evening) within the women's prison held every 4-6 weeks.

Prayer Ministry

Spiritual Life

Prayer team meets after each worship service to pray for Joys & Concerns that have been brought forth during service. Those are continually prayed for during the week by our Prayer Warriors and Prayer Responders.

Tribe of Dan Altar Design Team

Music, Arts and Worship

This small group meets to design the altar for the upcoming Sunday morning Contemporary Worship service. Altar decor changes weekly based on the upcoming Scripture or sermon.

Boy Scout Troop 5

Reaching Out in Mission

Care Center Visitation


Through our Caring Ministry, we write notes, make phone calls, and make personal visits to our care center residents.

Lifeshare Blood Drive

Health and Wholeness

Blood drives are held quarterly

Church-wide Christmas Dinner

Fun for All

Caring Ministry

Health and Wholeness

Provides encouragement, support & care for our congregation. Includes note-writing, hospital visitation, care center visitation, providing transportation for the homebound.

Faith & Friends Food Pantry


Volunteers meet at this local food pantry to stock shelves Mondays thru Wednesdays from 1-2:30pm.

Habitat for Humanity

Reaching Out in Mission

Volunteers provide skilled and unskilled labor to provide affordable housing to eligible persons in our community. Contact the church office for more information.

Welcome Center

Music, Arts and Worship

Our welcome centers our open 30 minutes before and after each worship service to assist guests with directions, questions, tours etc. We provide first time guests with a gift bag of information about the church along with a small gift.

We Care Team


This is a group of specially trained members of our congregation who provide a unique type of care-giving to individuals facing a wide variety of life situations.

Christmas Eve Service

Reaching Out in Mission

Acquire, wrap, and deliver gifts to all inmates in women's prison with devotional story and music program. Held annually on Christmas Eve.

Angel Tree

Reaching Out in Mission

Program to acquire and distribute Christmas gifts to children of incarcerated parents. Held annually in December.

Handbell Choirs

Music, Arts and Worship

There are handbell choirs for children up through adults. They meet on Wednesday afternoons to rehearse. Please contact the church for more details.

Pre-Service Music

Music, Arts and Worship

Musicians and singers from the community share thier musical gifts with us for 15 minutes prior to the beginning of our Traditional Worship Service.

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