Hudson United Methodist Church

212 E Franklin Street Hudson IL 61748 United States
Illinois, Hudson, 61748
(309) 726-1274

Men's coffee

Fun for All

informal gathering for all from our community

Prayer blanket ministry

Fun for All

Blankets made for those in need, and to our Police department for distrubution as needed.

VIM Mission Trip

Reaching Out in Mission

The church goes on one, week-long mission trip each year. We have served in Katrina ravaged LA, and in flooded Cedar rapid, IA region.

Prayer service


Sharing time followed by quiet prayer and reflection

Prayer meeting

Spiritual Life

Sharing time folllowed by quiet prayer time

Adult choir

Music, Arts and Worship

Sings once a month, and practices Thursday evening, 6;30 PM week before singing

Chime choir

Music, Arts and Worship

Practices at 11:30 AM two Sundays before playing

Reading Buddy Program

Reaching Out in Mission

The church helps our local elementary school children by reading with them during the school year.

Vacation Bible School--VBS

Reaching Out in Mission

Once a year program that takes place on one summer Saturday from 9 AM till 3 PM.

Sunday school


For youth and adults

Youth Drama Ministry

Music, Arts and Worship

Performs in worship 3-4 times each year(Christmas; Easter, etc.)

Fellowship lunch

Fun for All

Provided to all following Sunday school--no need to bring anything. Free will offering taken.

Adult Bible stury

Spiritual Life

Topical--focus and study changes every 6-8 weeks.

Children's Choir

Music, Arts and Worship

Children practice during Sunday school time each week.

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