First Des Moines

1001 Pleasant Street Des Moines IA 50309 United States
Iowa, Des Moines, 50309
(515) 244-6209


Music, Arts and Worship

reeters welcome all who enter our doors.

Freezer Ministry

Health and Wholeness

Church members make casseroles, etc. to be placed in the church freezer. These items are delivered to those returning home from the hospital.

Young Adult Study

Spiritual Life

Child Care Provided

Neighbors for Education

Reaching Out in Mission

Volunteers read weekly with the children at Edmunds Fine Arts Academy.

Prayer Shawl Ministry


This ministry team makes and coordinates the giving of prayer shawls as a warm and tangible sign of God's love. Makers knit or crochet shawls at their own pace.

Children and Family Urban Ministry Trinity Meal


The third Friday of every month members prepare and serve an evening meal for low income persons at Trinity UMC.

The Second Tuesday Lunch

Fun for All

Open to all members and friends of the church. Reservations are required and the cost is $8. Lunch is served at noon and then is followed by a program or speaker.

Women's Retreat

Fun for All

Every other year the women of the church gather for a day long retreat.


Reaching Out in Mission

Kits and money contributed for the annual InGathering go to mission projects around the world to provide much needed health, school, sewing or other supplies. This team selects the kits and promotes the event.

Offering of Letters

Reaching Out in Mission

This team organizes Bread for the World's annual Offering of Letters to influence legislation related to a specific hunger issue.

Imagine No Malaria


Members are joining with United Methodists around the world to eliminate malaria in Africa by 2015. This team seeks to educate the congregation and the community about malaria and raise funds for its elimination.

Hunger Hike


Every fall members walk in the Hunger Hike and others sponsor them.


Spiritual Life

This study is offered in conjunction with a cook out/potluck for 3 Wednesday evenings in the summer.

Central Iowa Shelter Meal


Members of this ministry team serve a meal once a month (the 2nd of every month) to homeless persons at the Central Iowa Shelter.

Food Pantry


The third Sunday of the month (Communion Sunday) members are asked to bring food items for the pantry or make a financial gift. Members of this team count and deliver the food to the pantry.

WhiteChapel Chimes

Music, Arts and Worship

This bell choir practices weekly and plays periodically for Sunday worship.

Advent Music Series

Music, Arts and Worship

Each Sunday during Advent special music is offered from 10:00 am until worship at 10:30. Programs vary.

Connection Cafe


One Monday a month meals are prepared and taken to the Connection Cafe and served to those in need in the downtown area. This is a cooperative venture with the 4 downtown churches.

AMOS (A Mid-Iowa Organizing Strategy)

Reaching Out in Mission

First Church is one of a coalition of churches in Central Iowa that is organized to build relationships and empower citizens to make positive changes in the community.

Prayer Chain

Spiritual Life

Members are called or emailed with prayer requests.

Organ Concert Series

Music, Arts and Worship

First Church frequently offers to the community an organ concert series.

Mission Trips

Reaching Out in Mission

Each year members of the church are invited to participate in a mission trip. Some of the trips are in the US and others are overseas. Recent trips include Red Bird Mission in Kentucky and Nigeria.

All Church Movie Night

Fun for All

Once a quarter on Friday night we show a movie followed by discussion. Popcorn and pop are served.

All Church Picnic

Fun for All

Sunday Worship is held at a local park followed by a picnic.

Chancel Choir

Music, Arts and Worship

Choir provides music for Sunday morning worship and other special services.

Freezer Ministry


Members of this team make casseroles, soups, etc. that are then kept in the church freezer for the pastor/staff to deliver those who have been released from the hospital or are ill.

Children's Church

Spiritual Life

Children join their parents in worship and after a time with the pastor, leave to go to Children's Church where they learn more about their faith..

Alternative Gift Mart

Reaching Out in Mission

Each Christmas season we offer members a chance to purchase alternative gifts. The "gifts" purchased benefit selected programs such as Heifter Project, Bidwell Riverside Center, etc.

Green Team


This team encourages environmentally sound practices for members of the congregation and the church through displays, bulletin inserts and articles for our monthly newsletter.

Fair Trade Cart

Reaching Out in Mission

Each week after worship people can stop by the cart to purchase various Fair Trade items that support farmers in developing countries.

Altar Guild

Music, Arts and Worship

This team assists with changing the altar cloths when seasons of the year change.

The Circle

Fun for All

People join together for a potluck ind informal conversation with persons from other faith groups and other ethnic/cultural backgrounds to discuss racism and other "isms" in our community and how we in the faith community can address them.

Green Team

Reaching Out in Mission

This team will encourage environmentally sound practices for members of the congregation and the church.

Members of the Hospitality Ministry Team staff the Welcome Desk after worship.

Music, Arts and Worship

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