Harris United Methodist Church

20 South Vineyard Boulevard Honolulu HI 96813 United States
Hawaii, HON, 96813
(808) 536-9602

Lay Visitation





Halle Halle Ringers

Music, Arts and Worship

Young Pak, Handbell Director

Youth Group

Fun for All

Discipleship Bible Class

Spiritual Life

Kitty Robertson

Youth Sunday School

Spiritual Life

Davy Lee

Spirituality Class

Spiritual Life

Randy Stone

Chancel Choir

Music, Arts and Worship

Diane Matsuura, Choir Director

Heavenly Handbells

Music, Arts and Worship

Young Pak, Handbell Director

Seasons of the Spirit

Spiritual Life

June Shimokawa

TGIF (Thank God It's Friday)

Spiritual Life

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