Ruskin United Methodist Church

105 4th Avenue NW Ruskin FL 33570 United States
Florida, Ruskin, 33570
(813) 645-1241

Sunday Nursery


Children to 3rd grade There is a certified adult child care lady

Canned & Non-Perishable Food Collected for HOLIDAYS


collect food to give to local food pantries at Thanksgiving, Christmas and as needed

Children Sunday School Class ~ grades 4 to 12


Meet in the West Wing

Picnic in the Park Mission

Reaching Out in Mission

The 1st and 2nd Mondays of each month Ruskin UMC's Outreach & Mission Ministry Team makes a warm dinner (themselves or volunteers make some of the food) and serve the homeless as well as minister to whom ever comes at a local park. 

Cub Scout Pack 662

Reaching Out in Mission

Interested in joining come by any Thursday evening

Virgie Eason Woman's Circle

Fun for All

Involved in various on-going projects, i.e. Mother-Daughter Dinner, Ladies Tea, Funeral receptions, Fall Bazzare, Sponsor Sunday Fellowship coffee once a month

Youth Group ~ 12-18 yr olds


Meet at the Youth House

Parents Children Advance Together PCAT

Reaching Out in Mission

We have partnered with Ruskin Elementary School to tutor reading to at risk children K-3rd grade.  Monday thru Thursdays 3 p.m.-5p.m.

Youth Group

Spiritual Life

Meet at the youth house for bible study, social activities, participate in ministry and mission work.

Military Ministry & VA Hospital


All year long we collect items to mail to active service people periodically.

AA Alcoholic Anonomous Meetings

Health and Wholeness

Music Ministry ~ Choir Directed by: John Yoho

Music, Arts and Worship

We have Chancel Choir, Children's Choir, Ensembles & Instrumental groups. Opportunities for all gifts & talent levels. Easter & Christmas Cantatas open to everyone.

Alanon Meetings

Health and Wholeness

Cuba Mission

Reaching Out in Mission

Goal is to make one trip a year to San Luis, Santiago de Cuba to support the pastor and church in whatever way they are in need, spiritually or financially.

Adult Bible Discussion Group

Spiritual Life

more info: Chuck Gausche 813-645-7738

Art Class

Fun for All

People gather in the Fellowship Hall to paint together and fellowship

Prayer Quilters


Make quilts with a cross & heart on them for those who are ill. Congregation members may request a quilt. The quilt is presented at Sunday Worship service and members tie the yarns and say a prayer for that person.

Care Team


Renee' Gausche coordinates what congregation members are where and who may like a visit from a church member.

Worship Service 8:00 a.m.


Beginning the 1st Sunday of Advent we add the 8:00 a.m. service, continues until Easter Sunday.

FL UM Children's Home

Reaching Out in Mission

Whenever there is a 5th Sunday in a month we have a special offertory collection for the Children's Home.  

Handbell Choir

Music, Arts and Worship

Prayer Chain Ministry

Spiritual Life

Dedicated members who prayer for those in need and requested by a congregation member.

Thanksgiving Day Dinners w/Beanies Resturant & South Bay Hospital


Youth Group and volunteers put together FREE Thanksgiving meals for needy/shut-ins/those alone, people may eat-in or pick-up meals. Requested dinner reservations needed.

Sunday Worship Service


First Sunday of Advent through Easter 

There is a second worship service at 8 AM  

UMC Day Care & Pre-VPK

Reaching Out in Mission

We have a licensed day care on the grounds. Call: 813-645-6198

UMC Men's Club

Fun for All

Hold chicken dinners, sponsor yard sales for fund raisers to support community & mission projects.

Blood Pressure Checks

Health and Wholeness

Nurse Renee' Gausche will check your blood pressure for FREE once a month

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