Hyde Park United Methodist

500 West Platt Street Tampa FL 33606 United States
Florida, Tampa, 33606
(813) 253-5388

Second Saturday Servants

Reaching Out in Mission

Serving those in need through yardwork and home repairs and maintenance

Joyful Praise Team

Music, Arts and Worship

Contemporary music ministry; on break until Aug. 25

QuadLs Older Adult Ministry

Fun for All

stopped for summer; will resume in September

Open Gym Men's Basketball

Fun for All

Adult mission trips to Nicaragua, Cuba, and South Africa

Reaching Out in Mission

Visit our website, hydeparkumc.org/ministries/missions/adult-mission-trips/ for more information.

Contemporary Worship Service


Contemporary worship in Sanctuary with Joyful Praise Team

AA meetings


Youth Praise Bands

Music, Arts and Worship

Both Middle School and High School praise bands

Handbell Choirs

Music, Arts and Worship

Adult and children's handbell choirs; will resume in late August/early September

Touched by Adoption


offer fellowship and support to those who have already adopted, are fostering, and/or are providing kinship care. Events are on every fifth Sunday.

Chancel Choir and Chapel Choir

Music, Arts and Worship

On break until Aug. 25

Small Blessings Early Childhood Center

Reaching Out in Mission

Developmentally based preschool serving two-to-five-year-olds; summer camp for children ages 2-8

Manna Bag Ministry

Reaching Out in Mission

Assembling bags containing a day's worth of food and clean pair of socks to give to a hungry homeless person

Hospitality Ministry

Music, Arts and Worship

Greeters, ushers, Connection Point teams provide warm welcome and assistance "from the street to the seat" on Sunday mornings

Magnolia Worship Service


casual, comfortable, "Come As You Are" worship service with Magnolia Band

Sunday Morning Live


Nursery and K-5 classes meet in the Wesley Center.

Traditional Worship Service


Traditional service in Sanctuary with Chancel Choir

Campus and Parking Lot greeters

Music, Arts and Worship

Teams of campus and parking lot greeters welcome and assist guests and members Sundays

Little Dresses for Missions

Fun for All

Sew different items for members on mission trips to give to children

Magnolia Band

Music, Arts and Worship

Magnolia music ministry

Open Arms Ministry

Reaching Out in Mission

Providng a full hot breakfast, encouragement, and other support to some 200 homeless guests each week

Prayer Shawl Ministry


Members knit prayer shawls for hospitalized and homebound

Contemporary Worship Service


Contemporary Worship in Sanctuary with Joyful Praise Team

Disciple Bible Study

Spiritual Life

New Classes Begin in Late August/Early September

High School Merge Youth Group

Fun for All

Pew Bear Ministry

Spiritual Life

Placing teddy bears in pews for worshipers to take to those in need of prayer and support

Media Arts and Tech Team

Music, Arts and Worship

Members serve during worship services and assist with media arts, video, graphics


Reaching Out in Mission

Available for children under 4 during all worship services and most other activities

MOPS Meeting

Fun for All

MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) Group meets at 9:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month in Wesley Center. The group is on summer break; resumes in late August/early September.

Dozens of ongoing small group studies and Wesley Groups for adults

Spiritual Life

Visit http://www.hydeparkumc.org/get-connected/adult-classes-and-groups/current-schedule/

Numerous support groups for different needs


Visit http://www.hydeparkumc.org/ministries/care-support/support-groups/

Boy Scout Troop 22

Reaching Out in Mission

Troop meets in the Magnolia Building during the public school year.

Adult Sunday School


Classes meet at various locations around our campus.

Chapel Communion Service


Traditional Chapel with Weekly Communion

Healing Prayer

Spiritual Life

After each worship service the first Sunday of each month

Adult Sunday School


Classes meet at various locations around our campus.

Wednesday Night Dinner

Fun for All

stopped for summer months; resumes in late August

Middle School Merge Youth Group

Fun for All

Communications Team

Fun for All

Directing communications strategy for congregation and community

Sunday Morning Live


Nursery and K-5 classes meet in the Wesley Center.

Emerging Through Movement

Fun for All

Exercise class for all ages

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