First United Methodist Church, Saint Cloud

1000 Ohio Avenue Saint Cloud FL 34769-3322 United States
Florida, Saint Cloud, 34769
(407) 892-3128

Sunday School


Homebound Ministry


Boy Scouts Troop 192

Reaching Out in Mission

Meeting in the Family Life Center

Venture Crew

Reaching Out in Mission

Meeting in the Family Life Center

Covenant House

Reaching Out in Mission

Outreach for Homeless and at risk youth ages 18-21 / Jobkills, Career Training, and High School Diploma Testing

Bags of Love Ministry


Providing sack lunches to the homeless and community

Sunday Worship


Omega Bells

Music, Arts and Worship

Rehearsal on Sundays

Praise Team

Music, Arts and Worship


Vacation Bible School

Reaching Out in Mission

Every Summer during the month of July

First Youth Ministry

Spiritual Life

Elmer's Meal Kitchen


FREE Hot meal for the community

PowerPoint Team

Music, Arts and Worship

Friday Night Fellowship Meal

Fun for All

Can ocurr more than once a month. Please check our calendar on the website for more information

Chancel Choir

Music, Arts and Worship


Cold Night Shelter

Reaching Out in Mission

Opens whenever the temperatures fall below 40 degrees

Joyous Greeters

Music, Arts and Worship

Power Hour Prayer

Spiritual Life

PaJammin' with Jesus

Spiritual Life

Modern twist to children's Sunday School where children come in their PJ's to learn about the Bible, and are ready for bed when their parents pick them up.. Meets every other week at the Family Life Center.

Smooth Stones Bible Study

Spiritual Life

Meeting the Second and Fourth Mondays of every month

Bags of Love Ministry

Reaching Out in Mission

Providing sack lunches to the homeless and community whenever the office is open

Cub Scouts

Reaching Out in Mission

Meeting in the Family Life Center

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