University Park United Methodist Church

4775 N Lombard St Portland OR 97203 United States
Oregon, Portland, 97203
(503) 289-7843

All-Church pot-luck

Fun for All

Everyone at church and our homeless neighbors gather together for food, fellowship and conversation together.

Children's Programs

Fun for All

Overeaters' Anonymous


Care for the Earth


We do not use disposable products for meals. We have purchased washable sippy cups so that our young children can have cocoa, jjuice or water after worship without spilling. We use real dishes whenever we eat together. We care aboutrecycling issues.

Food Drive for Good Samaritan Food Bank of North Portland


In May and November, we gather staple food during worship each Sunday, capping off the drives with a congregational clelbration that involves everyone from toddlers to the most elderly.

Alcoholics Anonymous mets in our Narthex in the longest-running meeting in North Portland



Music, Arts and Worship

supports the Sunday service

Youth Camperships

Reaching Out in Mission

We encourage our children and teens to go to the church camp of their choice, paying half of the cost of the camp for each child participating.

Helping Hands Food Pantry and We Care Frozen Foods

Reaching Out in Mission

We are set up to provide food or hot meals to anyone coming to our building. Our goal is that no one leaves our building hungry. In addition, we provide hospitality to homeless people who shelter in a covered walkway outside the building each night.

Women's Spirituality Retreats

Fun for All

In October and April, interested women spend a weekend at a house at the beach, talking, resting, growing closer and supporting one another.

Adult Sunday School


Always discussion, often film, wide-ranging, often using Living the Questions materials

Children's Sunday School


Takes place during worship

Helping Hands


As needed, but often during Spring-Fall, volunteers gather at the home of one of our elderly or infirm to do yard or house work, making it easier for our more fragile members to stay in their homes. We provide daily or weekly meals for members in hospice

Women of Wonder


An outreach ministry for women living with stage 4 metatastic cancer, providing outings and experiences that bring joy to their lives. The women involved pick the adventures; we provide find-raising and caring support.

choir practice

Music, Arts and Worship

Youth Programs

Fun for All

We Care Frozen Meals and Helping Hands Food Pantry


No ONe Leaves Our Building Hungry

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