Louisville United Methodist Church

741 Jefferson Avenue Louisville CO 80027-1811 United States
Colorado, Louisville, 80027
(303) 666-8812

Easter Choir Cantata

Music, Arts and Worship

Featuring special readings, music and singing on Palm Sunday

All Church Thanksgiving Dinner

Fun for All

Pot luck with turkey and all the fixings

AA / Substance Abuse Support Group

Health and Wholeness

Meets Wed - Fri - Sat evenings at 5:30

Louisville Community Food Bank

Reaching Out in Mission

Offers free food and assistance 9:00 - 12:00

Children's Sunday School


UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief)

Reaching Out in Mission

Children's Choir

Music, Arts and Worship

Practices during Sunday school; sings the 3rd Sunday of the month during the 10:30 service.

East Boulder County Relay for Life

Health and Wholeness

Fundraiser for American Cancer Society

Christmas Bazaar

Fun for All

Vacation Bible School

Reaching Out in Mission

Visitation and Card Ministry

Music, Arts and Worship

For Shut-ins and hospitalization

BVSD Special Education programs


BUMMP (Boulder United Methodist Mission Partners)

Reaching Out in Mission

Christmas Cantata

Music, Arts and Worship

Choir, orchestra and special Christmas readings


Music, Arts and Worship

Rocky Mountain Conference Volunteers in Mission

Reaching Out in Mission

Boy Scout Troop 278

Reaching Out in Mission

The scouts are involved with our food ministry, helping with pickup, sorting, packing and distributing.

Adult Sunday School


Nothing But Nets


Scholarship Fund


Annual scholarship opportunity for college bound members

Imagine Self-Support and Cooking Classes

Reaching Out in Mission

For Adults with Disabilities

Louisville Community Food Bank


Quarterly Delivery and as needed

Book Group

Fun for All

Adult & Children's Sunday School

Spiritual Life

Adult Sunday school at 9:15; Children's Sunday school during 10:30 service.

Our services often include special musicians

Music, Arts and Worship

Balfour Bus Service


Transportation to/from Balfour first two Sundays every month

Youth Group

Fun for All

Young Mother's Support Group

Reaching Out in Mission

Offering many opportunities during the month to meet and share experiences

The Stitch Circle

Fun for All

Meeting Wednesday's to make special gifts for those in need

Jefferson Street Preschool

Reaching Out in Mission

Visit their website for more information: www.jeffersonstreetpreschool.com.

Suzannah Circle

Fun for All

Imagine! (Innovative Resources for Cognitive and Physical Challenges)


Habitat for Humanity Build Days

Reaching Out in Mission

LUMC supports the local Habitat for Humanity

AA (Alcoholics Anonymous)


Meets at the church during the week; call the church office for days and times.

Family Life Committee

Fun for All

Plans social and fellowship activities that involve the whole church.

Girl Scouts

Reaching Out in Mission

Women's Bible Study

Spiritual Life

Call church office for location and current curriculum.

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