Fun for All
"Blast Off" youth group is for youth in grades4-6. We begin with a snack, have a lesson/Bible study, go over homework and then play some games
Fun for All
Various artists/crafters gather to visit as they work on their projects.
Fun for All
The "Jesus Rocks" youth group is geared for youth in the 6th through the 8th grade. We begin with a meal, a lesson/Bible study and then games. We have projects to serve others and a yearly "30 Hour Famine" to raise money for the humgry
Fun for All
Every Sunday, after the worship service, lunch is served in the followship hall. Usually a few families fix and serve the meal different months. Great food!!
The church has a small food pantry that we are able to provide some food to individuals or familes for a few days when their circumstances are such that they need the assistance.