The Cathedral of the Madeleine / La Catedral de la Magdalena

331 East South Temple
Utah, Salt Lake City, 84111
(801) 328-8941

Mass Times

Monday through Friday
8:00 AM Mass
5:15 PM Mass
8:00 AM Mass
3:30 PM to 4:30 PM Sacrament of Penance
4:00 PM Vespers
5:00 PM Sunday Anticipated Mass in English
7:00 PM Sunday Anticipated Mass in Spanish
8:30 AM Mass
10:00 AM Lauds
11:00 AM Mass
3:00 PM Spanish Mass
5:00 PM Vespers and Benediction
6:00 PM Mass
Public Tours - Please call the Cathedral Office (801-328-8941) to confirm when a Tour is scheduled on Sunday.

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