Quinsigamond United Methodist Church

9 Stebbins Street Worcester MA 01607 United States
Massachusetts, Worcester, 01607
(508) 755-6237

Children's Church


Children of ages 4-7 receive instruction following the Children's Message.  They leave the sanctuary and retreat to the children's room of Fellowship Hall.

Group Denial

Fun for All

For adults who want to gather for fun and fellowship

Kids' Club

Fun for All

KIDS' CLUB meets several times each year.  The sessions are held on Saturday mornings from 10:00 to 1:00.  The children enjoy making crafts, participating in games, and having lunch.  The pastor or another church member provide a lesson on the Bible.  The themes relate to the time of year:  Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's Day, Easter, Creation, etc.  For example, the children decorate pumpkins near Halloween and color Easter eggs close to Easter.  They have fun hunting for Easter eggs.  The children look forward to these events.  Neighborhood children attend as well.  The supervising adults share in fellowship with the families.

Christian Education


Robin Mercurio, Christan Education Committee Chair, coordinates the Children's Church, Kids' Club, and teen gatherings.  

Part of the QUMC Mission Statement includes "Together we seek to provide Christ-centered worship, Christian education to children, youth, and adults, warm Christian fellowship and loving service to the community."

The church has a nursery for the supervised care of young children during the worship service.

Ed Laliberte, Organist and Choral Director

Music, Arts and Worship

The adult and youth choir members sing under the direction of Organist/Choral Director Ed Laliberte.  Rehearsals are held on Sunday mornings at 9:45 a.m. prior to the worship service.

Marlene Holdridge, Altar Guild

Music, Arts and Worship

Coffee And...

Fun for All

Following the worship service congregants share refreshments and fellowship.  A schedule is developed each year to help coordinate the volunteers providing the coffee, food, and clean up.

Ken Reynolds, Head Usher

Music, Arts and Worship

The head usher welcomes congregants to the church.  He assists the weekly greeters and helps the accolytes and ushers perform their duties.  He is available to answer questions.

Dismas House

Reaching Out in Mission

Meals are served to 10-20 men.  The QUMC volunteers provide food and fellowship..  The residents of Dismas House set the table, offer beverages, and do the clean up.  This wonderful ministry is enjoyed by all who participate.

Pastor Visitation

Health and Wholeness

Please call church office if in need of a visit or support.

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